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L'Arabesque Ballet

RAD Ballet Classes

Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) classes start from Primary to Advanced Levels.

The classes are kept small to ensure that adequate attention can be given to each individual. Your child will establish the foundation of classical ballet through proper alignment, build up stamina, strength and a passion for dancing.

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Ages 3.5-6yrs

Developing student's physical skills, stamina, creativity, expression and musicality using a range of sounds and musical styles. This strong foundation prepares students for a successful transition to ballet and other dance genres.

After completing the Pre-Primary or Primary syllabus, students will achieve part of or all of the following:

  • Articulate parts of the body

  • Demonstrate awareness of positions of the body

  • Perform with an awareness of space

  • Demonstrate control, co-ordination, elevation

  • Demonstrate use of appropriate movement dynamics

  • Respond to the elements of music

  • Perform expressively

  • Perform a sequence of simple steps to depict a story

  • Confidently recall the settings


Ages 7yrs+

The Ballet 1 syllabi aim is to teach students the following:

  • Basic vocabulary of ballet

  • Basic technical skills such as demi-pliés, transfer of weight, sautés

  • Basic sense of appropriate timing and rhythm

  • Basic responsiveness to music

  • Basic use of expression to convey emotions

  • Basic awareness of an audience

After completing the Grade 1 syllabi, students will be able to achieve part of or all of the following:

  • Perform simple movement sequences showing awareness of basic ballet techniques

  • Develop basic musicality

  • Show awareness of performance in ballet

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Ages 8yrs+

The Ballet 2 syllabi aim is to teach students the following:

  • Continue to expand vocabulary learned in Grade 1, such as 3rd position of the feet

  • Continue to build on technical skills learnt in Grade 1, such as battement tendus and grand allegro

  • Sense of appropriate timing and rhythm

  • Responsiveness to music

  • Basic use of expression as appropriate

  • Awareness of an audience

After completing the Grade 2 syllabi, students will be able to achieve part of or all of the following:

  • Perform simple movement sequences showing better awareness of basic techniques

  • Gain better control and co-ordination in a range of sequences

  • Have a basic awareness of line and space in travelling movements and turning actions

  • Improved musicality in responding appropriately to music and with good sense of timings - perform with expression


Ages 9yrs+

The Ballet 3 syllabi aim is to teach the students the following:

  • Continue to build on vocabulary and technical skills learned in Grade 2

  • Respond to music appropriately with a basic understanding of appropriate timing and rhythm

  • Use of expression as appropriate and awareness of an audience

After completing the Grade 3 syllabi, students will be able to demonstrate/achieve part of, or all of the following:

  • Knowledge and understanding of the fundamental and relevant technique of ballet 

  • Co-ordination, control and accuracy in a range of sequences

  • Performing with an awareness of line and spatial awareness in travelling movements and turning actions

  • An awareness of the appropriate dynamic values in the performance of the vocabulary

  • Performing with correct and accurate timing and appropriate response to the music

  • Performing with expression and communication

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Ages 10yrs+


The Ballet 4-5 syllabi aim is to teach the student the following:

  • Sound knowledge and understanding of the vocabulary of ballet and technical skills

  • A clear understanding of musical interpretation

  • confident communication with the audience

In the examination, the candidates will be assessed on their ability to:

  • Perform a series of prepared ballet exercises which require the ability to demonstrate secure posture, correct weight placement, co-ordination of the whole body, control, line, spatial awareness and dynamic values

  • Dance, throughout the examination, in time to the music and show responsiveness to the music

  • Dance with expression and communication

  • Perform two dances demonstrating all of the aspects of Technique, Music, and Performance

Intermediate Foundation & Intermediate

Ages 12yrs+

These levels are the Graded Vocational syllabus. Students are challenged and inspired technically, artistically, musically and creatively with exercises that encourage critical thinking and physical fitness. Students must be taking two or more classes a week to attend this class and be ready to work on pointe at Intermediate level.

The Intermediate syllabi aim is to teach the students the following:

  • Apply & demonstrate through performance established knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals and technique.

  • Perform a range of complex movement sequences showing secure technical & musicality skills in ballet

  • Apply and demonstrate a range of performance skills with assurance in ballet

  • Demonstrate coordination, control and accuracy in a range of sequences

  • Perform with an aesthetic awareness of line

  • Perform with enhanced spatial awareness of the body in movements and turning actions

  • Demonstrate appropriate dynamic values in the performance of the vocabulary

  • Perform a more complex range of movements en pointe with control, for girls

  • Perform with the spatial awareness of the body in allegro sequences. *For boys

  • Perform, showing a high level of understanding of interpretation and expression

  • Demonstrate communication and projection in performance.

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Advanced Foundation

Ages 13yrs+

Vocational Graded Examinations are courses of study which lead to recognised achievement in dance performance. The higher level qualifications are accepted as benchmarks of achievement by Vocational Schools, attended by young dancers intending to enter the profession. They are also taken into account by universities and other HE institutions offering degree courses and programs in dance and dance teacher education, such as the RAD. Such qualifications also aid progression to workplace opportunities such as professional dancer, professional dance teacher, professional choreographer, professional dance notator, professional dance historian, lecturer in dance, and facilitator in community dance.

In order to enter the Advanced Foundation, candidates need to have passed an Intermediate level Vocational Graded Examination in ballet from RAD or any other recognised Awarding Body.

Achievement in dance contributes to a learner's all-around achievement, as it helps to develop competencies such as motor control, health and safety awareness, self-expression, physical fitness and stamina, discipline, mental ability and confidence.

 Advanced 1 & 2

Ages 14yrs+

Vocational Graded Examinations are courses of study which lead to recognised achievement in dance performance. The higher level qualifications are accepted as benchmarks of achievement by Vocational Schools, attended by young dancers intending to enter the profession. They are also taken into account by universities and other HE institutions offering degree courses and programs in dance and dance teacher education, such as the RAD. Such qualifications also aid progression to workplace opportunities such as professional dancer, professional dance teacher, professional choreographer, professional dance notator, professional dance historian, lecturer in dance, and facilitator in community dance.

In order to enter the Advanced Foundation, candidates need to have passed an Intermediate level Vocational Graded Examination in ballet from RAD or any other recognised Awarding Body.


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